Are Potatoes Fattening? Revealing the Shocking Truth!

Who doesn’t love potatoes, right? Still, a common question that often arises is, are potatoes fattening? They are a staple in many diets worldwide and can be prepared in numerous ways, from baked to boiled, mashed to fried. However, when it comes to their impact on our weight, some people are unsure.

Potatoes in themselves are not fattening. They are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, especially if consumed with their skin. They are also relatively low in calories, with a medium-sized potato containing around 168 calories. So, if eaten in moderation, potatoes should not lead to weight gain.

However, how potatoes are prepared can greatly affect their calorie content and, thus, their potential to increase an individual’s weight. Keep reading to find out how to make sure your potato dishes don’t add extra pounds!

How Many Calories are in a Potato?

Before we can say whether potatoes are fattening, we must know how many calories they contain.

Let’s take a look at a medium-sized raw russet potato. This humble spud, weighing around 213 grams, contains approximately 168 calories. Now, let’s look at brown and white rice.

The same amount of brown rice (213 grams) packs 236 calories! So from the two, I can’t see potatoes being fattening at all. You could say the same thing about white rice. The popular crop is also known to be more calorie-dense than potatoes (277 calories per 213 grams).

How about pizza? One lonely slice of pizza can boast 250 calories, and let’s be honest, no one can eat only one slice of pizza!

So calorie-wise, potatoes can’t possibly be fattening compared to other popular foods (resource).

Amount of Calories in Different Foods:

FoodWeight (g) Calories
Russet Potatoes213168
Brown Rice213236
White Rice213277
Pizza (plain cheese)213566

What is the Nutritional Value of one Potato?

There’s more to potatoes than just calories. They are also packed with nutrients and are a good source of Potassium and dietary fiber.

russet spud

Nutrients in a Russet Potato (213 g):

Total Fat0.2 g
Sodium24 mg
Total Carbohydrates38.6 g
Dietary Fiber2.7 g
Sugar1.7 g
Protein4.6 g
Calcium26 mg
Potassium952 mg

So potatoes do bring lots of good stuff beyond a few calories. Now, let’s take a look at fiber.

Can Fiber in Potatoes Keep you Slim?

Well, fiber can do a lot of things for you. First off, it adds bulk to your meals without adding calories. It’s like the ultimate diet food. You can eat a lot of it without packing on the pounds.

Secondly, fiber slows down the rate at which your body digests food. This means you’ll feel full for longer after eating a high-fiber meal.

Now, let’s bring potatoes back into the picture. As we’ve discussed, potatoes, especially with their skin on, are a decent source of fiber (reference). So, when you eat a potato, you’re getting a good dose of this weight management superstar, which helps a lot.

Aside from fiber, there’s something else you need to consider: the satiety index.

Can the Satiety Index of Potatoes Prevent you from Gaining Weight?

Well, let’s dive into the world of satiety and potatoes. Have you ever heard of the satiety index? It’s a measure of how full a particular food makes you feel.

And guess what? Potatoes rank pretty high on this index (study). They’re like the valedictorians of the food world when it comes to making you feel satisfied.

So, why does this matter for your weight? Imagine you’re at a buffet. If you fill up on foods that have a high satiety index, like potatoes, you’re likely to eat less of the other stuff. And less food overall means fewer calories consumed.

So, yes, the satiety index of potatoes is pretty important to avoid gaining unwanted weight.

How can Potatoes Make you Feel Less Hungry?

Now, let’s talk about why potatoes make you feel so full. There are a few key factors at play here:

Complex Carbohydrates

First up, we have complex carbohydrates. Potatoes are packed with them. These carbs are your body’s primary energy source and take longer to digest than simple sugars. This means that after eating a potato, you’ll feel full and energized for a longer period of time.


Next, we have fiber. We’ve already talked about how potatoes are a decent source of fiber, especially if you eat the skin. Fiber adds bulk to your diet and slows digestion, which helps you feel full longer. It’s like having a slow-burning log on your digestive fire.

Resistant Starch

Then there’s resistant starch, a type of fiber found in potatoes ( This stuff isn’t fully broken down and absorbed in your stomach.

Instead, it makes its way to your large intestine, where it feeds your gut bacteria. This process of fermentation produces short-chain fatty acids, which promote feelings of fullness.

Satiety Index

And finally, we circle back to the satiety index. Because potatoes rank so high on this index, they’re particularly good at making you feel full.

Now, after seeing the many advantages of eating potatoes, what can possibly be the cause of the spuds’ bad rep? Could it be the way they are prepared?

In the following video, you will see how potatoes can help a person lose weight:

How do Cooking Methods Affect the Calorie Content of Potatoes?

It’s time to determine how different cooking methods can affect the calorie content of our beloved potatoes.

Boiling: It’s simple, straightforward, and doesn’t add any extra calories. A boiled potato is just a potato in its most pure form, plus water. So, if you’re watching your calorie intake, boiling is an excellent way to go.

Baking: Cooking potatoes using the baking process takes a bit longer, but the results are worth it. Baking a potato can enhance its natural flavors without adding any extra calories. However, if you add butter or sour cream on top, that will bump up the calorie count.

Frying: When you make fries is fast, hot and can significantly increase your potato’s calorie content. That’s because the oil used for frying is high in calories. So, while those crispy french fries might be delicious, they’re also a bit of a calorie bomb.

Roasting: Roasting is up next. The technique is a bit slower than frying but faster than baking. Roasting potatoes with oil can add extra calories, but not as many as frying. Plus, it gives the potatoes a delicious, crispy exterior.

Microwaving: Finally, we have microwaving. It’s fast and efficient. Microwaving a potato doesn’t add any extra calories, making it a good option if you’re in a hurry and watching your calorie intake.

So, there you have it. The way you cook your potatoes can have a big impact on their calorie content. But is there anything else that can be done to enlist potatoes in your quest to keep a healthy weight?

What are Some Tips for Including Potatoes in a Healthy Diet Without Making you Gain Weight?

Let’s talk about how to enjoy potatoes without worrying about packing on the pounds.

Choose Healthy Cooking Methods

Consider how you’re cooking your potatoes. As we’ve discussed, different cooking methods can significantly affect the calorie content.

Boiling, baking, and microwaving are your best bets if you’re watching your calorie intake. A slight change can make a big difference.

Watch Your Toppings

Keep an eye on your toppings. It’s easy to turn a healthy potato into a calorie bomb with the wrong toppings. Butter, sour cream, cheese, and bacon can all add a lot of extra calories.

Try using herbs and spices for flavor instead. It’s like dressing up an outfit with accessories.

Eat the Skin

Don’t forget about the skin! It’s packed with fiber and nutrients. Plus, it adds a nice texture to your meal.

Portion Control

Remember, portion control is key. Even healthy foods can make you gain weight if you overeat them. Try to stick to one medium-sized potato per meal.

Combine with Other Healthy Foods

Try combining potatoes with other healthy foods. They go great with lean proteins and vegetables. It’s all about balance. For example, baked fish with a side of steamed green beans and boiled potatoes can be a satisfying, well-rounded meal.

Cool Them Down

Finally, don’t forget about the power of cooling. As we’ve discussed, cooled potatoes have more resistant starch, which can help you feel full longer.

Final Thoughts

It’s time to answer the big question: Are potatoes fattening? Well, they may or may not be, depending on what you do with them. Potatoes, in their natural state, are a nutrient-dense food that can be a healthy part of your diet.

They’re packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, especially if you eat the skin. Moreover, they’re also surprisingly high on the satiety index, which can help you feel full and satisfied.

fresh potatoes in a market

However, how you prepare and serve your potatoes can significantly impact their nutritional value. Frying them or loading them with high-calorie toppings can turn a healthy potato into a dish high in calories and fat.

The key is to enjoy potatoes in moderation, healthily prepare them, and be mindful of your portion sizes!